Tens of billions of dollars spent on sign products annually. Almost EVERY business on the planet needs some type of signage at some point, and usually on a regular, ongoing basis. We’re talking BIG BUSINESS, which is probably why most of us are in this biz in the first place. With all that $ being invested into commercial out-of-home messaging, what better question to ask than, “What Do People REALLY Want?” … when they’re shopping for signage. A great sign? No. Eye-Popping Graphics? Sorry. The best deal? Wrong answer. Lowest price? Nope.
We’re going to get very BASIC as we answer this question. Purely fundamental. Staggering in simplicity. This principle can blow the doors off of “business as you know it”. (Here it comes.)
People want to win.
They want to win. They fight every single day, through faith and hope and optimism. Through blood and sweat and tears. Through service and creativity and sacrifice, through risk and discipline and hard work! And sometimes it seems like everything in business and in life is trying to come against them – to take them out. And they want to win.
They want to beat the odds. They want to prove the doubters wrong. They want to provide for their families, and build a financial fortress, plot a career path, live well, retire nicely, leave an inheritance for their loved ones and make their mark on this world.
They want to survive and thrive, and ultimately succeed. They want to win. And it’s our job (all of us) to, in some small or large way, through the business we engage in, and the way we go about it — to TEACH THEM HOW.
Give them value. Show them how it’s done.
Demonstrate. Enlighten. Instruct. Support. 
Equip them to do the utmost with whatever it is they may buy from YOU. You’re the pro at this. (You know WAY more than you realize — and many times more than your customer when it comes to your stuff!)
Ask them the pertinent questions, then GIVE them some of your EXPERTISE in the form of advice, free tips, and guidance toward their target. Tell them what has worked for other clients in similar situations. Clue them in on some insider information that maybe because it’s so commonplace to you, that you’ve shelved it, or taken it for granted.
Explain that when it comes to advertising, it’s not WHO you know — It’s who knows YOU.
Coach them.
Coach them to understand that If you want to get people into your business, you’ve got to take your business to the people.
Share important stats so your customers can have a more complete understanding.
— like this one, according to the International Sign Association:
“Only 1% of new clients frequented a business because of TV Ads, while 49% of New Clients walk through the doors because of “On-Premises Signage”
– or this one:
“Truck Advertising generates 30,000 to 70,000 impressions PER DAY.”
– Outdoor Advertising Assoc of America
Help people along their pathway to success so they can build their business and improve their life. The nuts and bolts we sell are not the biggest issue. That’s why all the emails we send you DON’T continually say, “Buy a Frame! Buy a Frame! Wanna buy some Frames? Special on Frames! Get your Frames Today!”
We’d rather share what we’ve learned and help you to see the possibilities, by highlighting the successes of our customers – your peers – with the hope that you will build your enterprise, and PROSPER, and come out on top as a business person and/or entrepreneur. And if you do happen to purchase our products along the way, that’s awesome! (Thank you!) That moves US forward.
But really, in the end, it’s not about the product at all. It’s about helping people survive and thrive. It’s about what we can do for you, and what you can do for your customers.
People want to win.