( Produced and Owned by Meadow Outdoor Advertising)

 meadow-before    meadow-after                                 

Before                                                                                After

Step 1: Find a City with a Friendly Sign Code.
We know this is easier said than done, but those cities are out there, (as well as “County” properties) which have workable permit processes, or are more “Sign-Friendly”.

Step 2: Find a Building on a Busy Street or Intersection
Remember, in Advertising it’s not who you know — it’s who knows YOU. Traffic = Value. Advertising is sold on a “Cost per Thousand” basis. Exposure = Revenue. So when searching for a building, to host a long-term billboard, the old adage applies – “Location, Location, Location.”

Step 3: Approach the Building Owner and ask if he/she would be interested in additional revenue.
“Free Money” – No investment required – from the “World’s Greatest Tenant”
in a way that can dramatically increase their property value.

Step 4: Enter into long-term agreement w/owner.  Contract templates available from Ackland Media Systems.

Step 5: Create “Your Ad Here” artwork to help sell the Ad Space.

new-britain-before  bb-new-britain-after

 (Owned & Operated by Undeniable Advertising)

Step 6: Install Ackland Frames (w/Banner Vinyl) to Create Billboard

Step 7: Sell the Valuable Advertising Space on a 6-12 Month Basis Contract templates available from Ackland Media Systems.

Step 8: Collect the Money! (And of course, share a % w/the Building Owner.)

Step 9: Repeat Steps #2-8 — Repeatedly!


Why not set a goal to try and establish 3-4 new billboard sites over the next 12 months? If it works, do the same thing again for a few years. At then end of 5 years, you should have an lucrative stream of passive income – FLOWING! 

We’ve written a great “How To” guide to help you get started – and it’s a 100% FREE DOWNLOAD. Enjoy!

This is an extremely lucrative business opportunity, especially suited for Sign Pros.

Click HERE to Download.

Let us know if we can be of service. Thanks!